Creating VLAN using Cisco Packet Tracer

Dhamith Kumara
4 min readSep 28, 2022


First of all we need to know what is the meaning of VLAN. A Virtual Local Area Network is any broadcast domain that is partitioned and isolated in a computer network at the data link layer. In this context, virtual, refers to a physical object recreated and altered by additional logic, within the local area network.

For this, in here I’m using twelve end devices and one switch. Now I’m going to tell how to set the all twelve end devices and one switch to each other.

step 1

Create below diagram using twelve end device(PC)

step 2

Add the one switch

step 3

Now need to connect twelve end device(PC) to switch using copper straight through cables and using fast ethernet port of PC’s and switch.

step 4

After that we need to assign the IP address to our PC’s. For that simply double click on the PC icon, after clicking that you can see the pop up window. In that window you need to select the Desktop tab and click the IP Configuration Icon. In that IP Configuration window you can see the IPv4 Address input field. Now enter the IP address as to your first PC and hit the enter button. After that you can see the some change of subnet mask filed like this and now you can close the pop up window. Now need to assign the IP address to all the PC’s. For that repeat the this step again and again. Keep in mind you need to change the last digit of the IP address increased one by one like this, ….

step 5

Using ipconfig keyword we can check our IP configuration successfully completed or not. Check that double click the any PC icon and go to the Desktop tab and select Command Prompt. After that type the keyword ipconfig and press the enter button. Now you can see the detail about IP address.

step 6

Using ping keyword we can check our connected PC’s are correctly data sending or not. for the check that double click the any PC icon and go to the Desktop tab and select Command Prompt. After that type the keyword ping with IP address of another connected PC IP Address and press the enter button. Now you can see the detail about data transferring.

example - ping

Creating VLAN with name

Before the creating VLAN we need to get some basic idea about VLAN types.

  • Default VLAN
  • Data VLAN
  • Voice VLAN
  • Management VLAN
  • Native VLAN

VLAN Ranges

Using show vlan brief keyword we can see the more detail about VLAN in our network. for to this double click to the switch and go to the CLI and press the enter key two times. after that type show vlan brief and press the enter key.

In here I need to create the four VLAN for my network

  • VLAN 10 — Account
  • VLAN 20 — HR
  • VLAN 30 — Sales
  • VLAN 40 — Engineering

Syntax of creating VLAN with name

Switch(config)#vlan <any VLAN no>

Switch(config-vlan)#name <any name>

step 1

First open the switch CLI and press the enter key in that you can see “Switch> ” now we need to convert that to “Switch#”. for that use the enable keyword for that.

step 2

Now need to convert “Switch#” to configuration commands. for that we can use conf t keyword for that

step 3

After that step we can create the VLAN using our syntax

step 4

After the creating VLAN we can use the exit keyword to exit the configuration commands.

step 5

Now we can see the our detail about created VLAN using show vlan brief keyword.


Using this article you can get the clear idea about VLAN and how to create the your own VLAN using Cisco Packet Tracer.

Assign Ports to Different VLAN article coming soon… Thank you !



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